What does cut code E: exceeds really mean

To discuss the tuning of comskip and for posting your ini files
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What does cut code E: exceeds really mean

Post by CraigD »

In the past I have used other peoples ini files to configure and run Comskip. They worked well but always missed some commercial or skipped some show. Hence, I decided to educate myself and make my own modification to make commercial skipping better. I have had some success but I have had two shows that didn't skip commercials and they both had block listings with ++ and at least one of the codes was E. I just started working on this one but I see a bunch of E's and if they are a clue I am clueless.



E: exceeds l: logo
L: logo v: volume
B: bright s: scene_change
C: combined a: aspect_ratio
N: nonstrict u: uniform_frame
S: strict b: black_frame
r: resolution
Block list after weighing
# sbf bs be fs fe ts te len sc scr cmb ar cut bri logo vol sil corr stdev cc
0:0- 3 0 3 1 90 0.00s 1.48s 1.48s 4.00 0.00 0 1.78 b 100- 0.00 1691+ 93+ 0.000 10
1:-- 5 3 2 91 185 1.50s 3.07s 1.57s 4.00 0.03 0 1.78 b 231- 0.00 1095- 68- 0.000 23
2:-- 3 2 1 186 1988 3.09s 33.15s 30.06s 4.50 0.03 1 1.78 C S b 372+ 0.00 1994+ 94+ 0.000 37
3:-- 53 1 52 1989 3836 33.17s 63.98s 30.81s 99.99 0.06 1 1.78 C S b 517+ 0.00 1523+ 720 0.000 51
4:++ 87 53 34 3837 60322 64.00s 1006.36s 942.36s 0.00 0.03 0 1.78 E b 226- 0.00 1112- 68- 0.000 22
5:++ 61 34 27 60323 67579 1006.37s 1127.43s 121.05s 0.01 0.03 0 1.78 E b 357+ 0.00 1321+ 85+ 0.000 35
6:++ 58 28 30 67580 72784 1127.44s 1214.26s 86.82s 1.00 0.04 0 1.78 b 339+ 0.00 1157- 70- 0.000 33
7:++ 60 30 30 72785 83644 1214.28s 1395.44s 181.16s 0.64 0.06 0 1.78 E b 451+ 0.00 1242+ 82+ 0.000 45
8:++ 62 31 31 83645 88072 1395.46s 1469.32s 73.86s 1.00 0.03 0 1.78 b 219- 0.00 979- 63- 0.000 21
9:++ 33 32 1 88073 89003 1469.33s 1484.85s 15.52s 0.00 0.05 0 1.78 6 { S b 625+ 0.00 1195- 73+ 0.000 62
10:++ 56 1 55 89004 98955 1484.87s 1650.88s 166.02s 0.01 0.02 0 1.78 E b 280- 0.00 1271+ 79+ 0.000 28
11:0- 112 55 57 98956 99855 1650.90s 1665.90s 15.00s 27.00 0.10 2 1.78 C S b 342+ 0.00 1357+ 64- 0.000 34
12:-- 79 57 22 99856 100825 1665.91s 1682.08s 16.17s 99.99 0.07 2 1.78 C S b 595+ 0.00 1338+ 86+ 0.000 59
13:++ 69 22 47 100826 106360 1682.10s 1774.42s 92.33s 1.00 0.05 0 1.78 b 201- 0.00 1088- 64- 0.000 20
14:++ 109 48 61 106361 107369 1774.44s 1791.26s 16.82s 0.00 0.42 0 1.78 6 { b 3122+ 0.00 1229+ 82+ 0.000 312
15:++ 61 61 0 107370 115048 1791.27s 1919.35s 128.08s 0.64 0.09 0 1.78 7 { E br 514+ 0.00 1637+ 78+ 0.000 51
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Re: What does cut code E: exceeds really mean

Post by erik »

E means exceeds maximum length for commercial block
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Re: What does cut code E: exceeds really mean

Post by CraigD »

Thanks Erik,

I suspected as much. I wish I had saved the log file from the other show as I looked at the time and thought it was less than 600 s aka max_commercialbreak=600. Maybe my eyes shifted up or down a line without my knowing. Related to that "len" is the time I should be looking at...correct?


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Re: What does cut code E: exceeds really mean

Post by CraigD »

I was working on another ini file, I am setting up channel specific ini's, and came across another instance of E blocks that were commercial and not cut. On closer inspection they were all over 120s but less than 190s. I had modified min_show_segment_length=120. I changed it to min_show_segment_length=250 and all the E blocks that were commercials were now scored as commercials and the show was perfect skipped all commercials and didn't skip any show.

I had previously thought E ment exceeds commercial length but now I believe it means exceeds minimum show length.

Maybe it is just me but I am impressed with how accurate commercial detection can be with very minimimal inputs and leaving the rest to defaults. My base starting point that sometimes is all it takes is tweaking the values below for any particular show.

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Re: What does cut code E: exceeds really mean

Post by erik »

Happy to hear.
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