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detect method 43 or 255, no difference

Posted: Thu Aug 29, 2019 5:27 pm
by billj
Old b&W western series with 5 minutes of glitzy commercials in the middle. Using paid comskip 0.81.092 with MCEBuddy 2.3 Beta 15 on xp pro x64 on .ts files from a Silicondust w/cablecard.

One would think it easy to detect the color from the black and white. I've tried 43 and 255 with Max CommercialBreak=600. No change. Tried Max_Commercial_Size=601 (thinking it might consider the 5 minutes of color as a single commercial). No change.

Am using hardware acceleration.

The program converts to mp4 normal and always results in a 27:15 length show with the 5 minutes commercials.



Re: detect method 43 or 255, no difference

Posted: Thu Aug 29, 2019 9:01 pm
by billj
It runs fast on the old B&W westerns, a few minutes. Tried more than 4 hours of testing on the one .ts file.

I was using Enable Cropping in MCEBuddy which resulted in the B&W western in a square box with a wide black border on each side and the glitzy 5 minute commercial segment also had the black border sides. I unchecked the cropping and ran the .ts file and now the glitzy commercial section took the full screen. Now should be easy right? No. Tried aspect ratio as the single detection method. Detect_Method=32 & cut_on_ar_change=2. Didn't work. Would seem easy, from the square box b&w western to a full screen bright colors 5 minute section of commercials.

Right now I'm trying to remove the 64 bit MCEBuddy to go to the 32 bit and try that but removal isn't working smoothly.


Odd, couldn't remove program with Add/Remove. Went to registry, deleted its key and all references. Rebooted and it's still there. Works tho.

If I can't get the comskip to remove the color commercial, I may have to transfer the .ts files to a win10 machine with a current version. Or, I can record the westerns on Tivo, transfer them and see if comskip can work its magic on those.

Re: detect method 43 or 255, no difference

Posted: Fri Aug 30, 2019 8:48 am
by erik
Comskip never removes commercials, it only detects
When you have a single 5 minute commercial you may need to tune some setting.
Please follow the "how to ask for help" post if you want me to help you tuning Comskip