Would it be possible to escape the '&' char(s) to '&' in the <Filename> element of the .vprj file output for VideoReDo type 3 outputs, as originally requested by Jagad in a post dated Nov 1, 2014 in this thread?
The unescaped '&' makes the .vprj file unacceptable to the latest version (5) of VideoReDo. My program VAP ( http://www.videoredo.net/msgBoard/showp ... ostcount=1 ) , which runs VRD and Comskip, can be modified to correct the .vprj file after comskip creates it but having comskip do it correctly seems much cleaner.
I believe this escaping only needs to be done for VRD type 3 project file outputs.
Would it be possible to escape the '&' char(s) to '&' in the <Filename> element of the .vprj file output for VideoReDo type 3 outputs, as originally requested by Jagad in a post dated Nov 1, 2014 in this thread?
The unescaped '&' makes the .vprj file unacceptable to the latest version (5) of VideoReDo. My program VAP ( http://www.videoredo.net/msgBoard/showp ... ostcount=1 ) , which runs VRD and Comskip, can be modified to correct the .vprj file after comskip creates it but having comskip do it correctly seems much cleaner.
I believe this escaping only needs to be done for VRD type 3 project file outputs.
Bump ..... Erik, any chance of this happening soon? Thanks.
Nope, but it is in build 0.81.085 available now, only for videoredo3 output format.
Please test live_tve processing as I got a report there may be something wrong in the new builds
So now 6 years later the Videoredo guys finally added Unicode to their software. The comskip videoredo3 format works as it should in nearly all parts.
Had a hickup though. Their xml parser requires an additional line added to the videoredo3 format. Dan 203 explains it here
XML containing unicode characters requires a special header. It's the only way the parser knows to treat every character as 2 bytes. We support both the BOM character or the UTF8 or UTF16 encoding types declared in the XML header like so...
So Erik I wonder if you could add the following line to the top of the videoredo3 output
Then it works to pass or batchprocess Vprjs with special Unicode chars with VRD.
EDIT! Although such a change might break the compatiabillity for TVSuite v.5 users. Perhaps divide the output formats to "output_videoredo5" and "output_videoredo6" as earlier suggested?