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Deleting Comclean Backup File

Posted: Fri Jun 16, 2006 7:01 pm
by jbilich

First off many thanks for all your work. This sounds like some great software. I'll be setting it up this afternoon. My only question is:

Is there a way to automatically delete the _original.mpg file that Comclean creates? I'm only using this commercial removal for a daily recording that isn't THAT if the cutting isn't perfect it's not the end of the world. As a result, I dont really need the backup of the original.

Is this maybe just a quick line of code at the end of the postprocess.bat file? Or maybe just removing the code from the comclean program that creates a backup? Any ideas would be great. Thanks!!

Posted: Fri Jun 16, 2006 7:26 pm
by erik
Both option will work.

If you never need the _original than its better to delete the lines in comclean.bat that create the _original file.

Give it a try, if you can't find how I will show you.

Posted: Fri Jun 16, 2006 7:34 pm
by jbilich
Thanks for the quick reply. I'm not at home right now so I can't try it...but just taking at look at the end of the Comclean2.bat file:

if EXIST "%~dpn1_clean.mpg" move "%~dpn1.mpg" "%~dpn1_original.mpg"

I assume if I just change this line to:

if EXIST "%~dpn1_clean.mpg" del "%~dpn1.mpg"

Or something like that it would wor?? I've never done much .bat editing, but I figure it's something like that.

My other question is with regard to the cleaned file's location. What would be the code to move that newly created clean file into another folder?

Again thanks so much for the help and support.